Raw Food Diet and Running


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Raw Food Marathon Day Fifty Nine


Raw Food consumed today:


Watermelon is an amazing fruit. I always used to think it was mainly water, not many calories and low in protein.

OK I'm right about the water part, but as you can see this is a pretty powerful breakfast!

The Doug Graham 80/10/10 ratio of calories from carbohydrates, protein and fat is a minimum 80% from carbs and a maximum of 10% from protein and a maxiumum of 10% from fat. So at 89/7/4 watermelon is amazing!


Raw watermelon


Here's my intake for today. The shortfall is because the average daily amount factors in 1150 cals of exercise.

Rest day today. Intervals and tempo tomorrow.


811rv intake 80/10/10 raw vegan diet


Breakfast - 2.4kg watermelon

Lunch - 1 large orange, 4 bananas, 1 young coconut water, 1 stalk celery, bunch parsley, 1/2 romaine lettuce, 2 heaped teaspoons Vitamineral Green powder, 3 heaped teaspoons Yaoh Hemp Protein powder (95%).

Evening Meal - 20 cherry tomatoes, 1 organic romaine lettuce, 1 organic cucumber, 20 almonds

Snacks - 2 cups oolong tea, 6 segments of pomelo, 1 green apple


Training/Exercise today:


Run -

Bike -

Gym -

Yoga -

Swim -



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